This is the LoFi version of this episode. If you want CD quality, you are in the wrong place go listen to Option Plus Podcast :)
Wow, I had more updates than I thought, but it will still fit on a single side of a C90 so I'm good.
Many things discussed, but the key takeaway: send more postcards! Cassettes make great holiday gifts and for the mixtape I'll do the top 33 (or whatever fits) from HGH as a mixtape gift to you or to a secret friend!
Many things discussed, but the key takeaway: send more postcards! Cassettes make great holiday gifts and for the mixtape I'll do the top 33 (or whatever fits) from HGH as a mixtape gift to you or to a secret friend!
Ok, some updates about the cassette experiments. Always more V4V drama going on so I compare V4V markets in a eastern vs western perspective.
Also, I recorded this to tape _first_ and pushed the level a bit too hot. So the audio of this one has a kind of 90s lofi vibe. I think it's still listenable, and next time I might lower the level a bit, but if you hate it, let me know.
Also, I recorded this to tape _first_ and pushed the level a bit too hot. So the audio of this one has a kind of 90s lofi vibe. I think it's still listenable, and next time I might lower the level a bit, but if you hate it, let me know.
More cassette experiments! I will make you a mixtape from LNBeats if you mail me a postacard.
I'm going to run a physical V4V tape distribution experiment.
My audio setup for poetry and an introduction to Podcasting 2.0 to my substack poets!
I did a DeMu!
I respond to Sir Spencer and Laurien, provide some updates on my albyhub situation, and talk about why I think podcasting 2.0 may be the modern cassette.
Sigh. Frustrating day today for me in v4v. I was trying to get artists boost correct and kicked off a hornets nest. A minor one albeit.
I have a new idea for Podcasting 2.0 RSS! The physicalItemTag. With QR/NFC we can enable boosts on physical music.
How did the live podcast go? Listen to find out. Now with GIFs!
All about how to setup a live podcast feed.
Why have 1 podcast when you can have 2? Behind the scenes at This one discusses my issues with valueTimeSplits in #v4v podcasting.
Bside to the Bside -- behind the scenes at talking about cassettes production, how the content was made, and issues doing this all yourself.